Since 1989, more than 2,500 Black, African, biracial and multi-ethnic students in the Cedar Rapids community and surrounding areas have taken part in The Academy for Scholastic and Personal Success.. These students have received culturally specific instruction in core curricular areas, along with valuable travel exposure and interpersonal skill building through The Academy SPS. Data shows that many students who graduate from high school are not ready for college. The Academy SPS ensures increased post-secondary readiness: 99% of our students graduate from high school and 89% of them matriculate to college. The Academy SPS staff encourages students to stretch themselves by enrolling in rigorous coursework at their high schools and monitors student achievement throughout the school year. The program serves 25-40 students each summer, many of whom return for multiple experiences during their high school careers. It is the only non-remedial, proactive program of its kind in the state. The Academy SPS is designed to be academically rigorous; classes are taught by culturally knowledgeable African American/Black staff members on a university/college campus. Criteria for student participation:
- African American, African, biracial, multi-ethnic (as long as she/he/they identifies as having some African/Black heritage)
- Entering grades 9-12
- Willing to be an active learner
- 2.5 GPA or higher or an interested in growing as a learner
This is a six-week program that typically begins the first Monday of summer. Students now have the option to take part in an AM or PM session. We are especially encouraging young athletes who have morning obligations to join our PM session this summer. Please check out their website for more information including contact information.