Kennedy’s Honor Orchestra Festival, held in early March, is open to students in grades 6-9. The mission of the Honor Orchestra is to provide an outstanding musical experience for younger musicians who desire an extra challenge.
There are three orchestras in this festival. The Green and Gold orchestras are of equal ability and are open to students who have the equivalent playing ability of Suzuki Book 3 or above (those selected for first violin must be secure in 3rd position).
The Chamber Orchestra requirements are much more selective and are as follows:
Violin, Viola, Cello: Suzuki book 6 or higher. Violas should be comfortable reading treble clef, cellos can read tenor clef.
Bass: Comfortable in all positions up to thumb with secure shifting technique and intonation. Tenor clef reading may also be required.
Directors are invited to nominate their students whose ability level meets the requirements. Please rank your students in the order they should be selected, no matter their grade level (i.e. there can only be one #1 ranked student per school). The director’s #1 ranked student will automatically be selected. Priority will be given to last piece studied as well as grade in school.