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Kennedy students in clay wheel class.

Kennedy High School offers a wide range of visual arts courses, ranging from foundations of art to AP art history. Click here for the Visual Art Flow Chart.


Semester 1Semester 2
Freshman• Art 101 (must take 1st)
• Ceramics 1, Digital Arts & Sculpture (good concurrent classes if you have room for more than one art class)
• Drawing 1, Ceramics 1, Sculpture
• Painting 1, Digital Arts (best if you can take Drawing 1 first)
Sophomore• Drawing 1, Ceramics 1, Sculpture, Painting 1 & Digital Arts (best if you can take drawing 1 first)
• Photo 1, Digital Imaging (more advanced leveled classes)
• Drawing 2, Ceramics 2, Painting 2
• Photo 2, Illustrator (more advanced leveled classes)
Junior/Senior• Drawing 1, Ceramics 1, Sculpture, Painting 1 & Digital Arts (best if you can take Drawing 1 first)
• Photo 1, Digital Imaging (more advanced leveled classes)
• Drawing 2, Ceramics 2, Painting 2
• Photo 2, Illustrator (more advanced leveled classes)
Yearlong courses• AP Art History (can be at any time)
• AP Studio Art:2D, 3D, Drawing (can be repeated in different mediums-taken junior or senior year)
Sample Four Year Schedule

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