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8/28/24-Lovely Lane and Good Shepherd lots are full. There are still plenty of spaces at Oakland.

Parking space at Kennedy High School and neighboring churches is very limited, therefore restrictions and permits are necessary and enforced. Students are encouraged to carpool, or take the bus or alternative forms of transportation.

Only Seniors and Juniors may park in the school lot with a valid parking permit. There is no charge for these permits.

Students MAY NOT apply for a parking permit until they have a license or school permit. We cannot save/reserve spots.

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Lovely Lane Church and Oakland Church of the Nazarene offer permit parking. The cost of the permit for the 2024-2025 school year is $120.  Parking permits are sold in the Main Office.

Juniors and SeniorsSunday, Aug. 11 @ 7pmBegins Monday, Aug. 12, 8am to 1pm
SophomoresTuesday, Aug. 13 @ 7pmBegins Wednesday, Aug. 14, 8am to 1pm
FreshmanSunday, Aug. 18 @ 7pmBegins Monday, Aug. 19, 8am to 3pm

Please read the Parking Information document and make sure you understand and agree to the rules and regulations.
Before the start of the school year, the form will be sent to student emails. Do not apply early or your registration will be deleted.

After August 19 you can click on the button below to access the Parking Permit Application. Students CAN ONLY use their School Google Account for access to the form. Please check your school email to access the form prior to August 19.

Frequently asked questions

Kennedy Parking

Kennedy Parking

Mrs. Deklotz


Placeholder Name

Holder of Places

Placeholder Name

Holder of Places