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Kennedy's 2022-23 Academic Decathlon team

Academic decathlon student participants have the opportunity to showcase their knowledge in a variety of subjects.  Each year a theme is chosen.   Students are provided materials in a variety of subjects based on the theme.  The subjects include music, art, social science, math, speech, economics, writing, science, language/literature, and interview skills. You do not have to be an “A” student to participate.  We need students in all three categories: Honor (3.80-4.00), Scholastic (3.20-3.799), and Varsity (0.00-3.199).  

The regional contest takes place the last weekend in January. State contest takes place the first weekend in March.

Kennedy’s academic decathlon team has qualified for state every year they have participated!

The theme for the 2023-24 competition year is Technology and Humanity ( science fiction, history of computers and Artificial Intelligence).  If this interests you, or if you want more information, please contact Malick Sogur or Tori Paga.

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